GREEN.Edu-&-Study Groups

Heyyy DC!!...Hoping all is well in your neck-of-the-woods. Great news! ~ We are putting together a STUDY GROUP to serve as a cushion for DC GREEN-EDUCATORS & SCHOOLYARD MENTOR-LEADERS interested in becoming a ‘DC’ Landscape for Life Trainer.

Soon, DC Urban Mentor-Leaders will be jump-starting our summer tours. All tours and field trips will be utilized to strengthen the bonds and increase the # of helping hands to our local farmer's markets, our DC schoolyards, and community/majestic gardens.

So we figured we'd study through the summer to begin warmly introducing such content to those of Greater DC - because surely the hot-pursuit of such a pristine learning-adventure should come with a smiling 'tour-guide' ;0) ... We've discovered that by doing so; makes for a magical learning experience, as well as higher synergy when it comes time for our Trainers/Urban-Mentors to share/teach in-the-GREEN.

Should you have any questions, desire(s) to join us or just obtain additional information - you are SO welcome to contact us (301) 899-0713 or ... Because we just love GREEN-conversations, teachings, and collaborations.
